Kanchan’s story

Each child comes to Maitreya School with their own story, including some who have a very sad and touching story that leaves you with tears in your eyes and a longing to help.

One story is of a young girl called Kanchan a 14-year old, lovely girl and a very good student.

When Kanchan was 6 years old, she had a terrible accident, falling into deep well resulting in a very serious injury to her left leg. For the last 8 years Kanchan has undergone surgery after surgery. Her first operation was not successful. In fact, Kanchan began losing vital muscle from her leg.

When Kanchan was 9, she underwent another operation and spent three months in hospital, in the capital city of Delhi, India. After some time Kanchan underwent yet another operation. Doctors took muscle tissue from her healthy leg and moved it to the sick one. However, due to lack of blood circulation, Kanchan’s body rejected the transplant.

Over the years, Kanchan’s limb continued to lose muscle and the nerves below her knee are now completely dead. Doctors have tried to save Kanchan’s leg but blood circulation has been too low, for too long, resulting in a total loss of sensation from knee to toe. Kanchan began losing hope that doctors would find a remedy for her condition. She began to sense her leg was not alive anymore.

Three years ago, a woman volunteering at the clinic was so moved by Kanchan’s story that she offered to take her to the United States for medical consultation. Kanchan felt hope returning! She prayed that there was still a chance that her leg could be saved. Unfortunately, the doctors in the USA informed her that amputation was her only option.

How can a young girl who is just growing and discovering life make such a choice; to live with a disfigured, infection limb or with a prosthetic and the humiliation of having only one leg. She holds her pain inside. Behind her smile there is suffering.

It has been three years since Kanchan’s diagnosis by the American doctors who could not perform the amputation at the time. The American volunteer could not accept the responsibility of such an invasive surgery and the long-term recovery that Kanchan will need. In the United States they fit Kanchan with a special shoe to stabilized her fragile leg and assist with mobility. Kanchan realizes that amputation is her best option to lead a health and mobile life.

Since returning from the United States three years ago, Kanchan has had no surgeries or treatments other than using the special shoe.

Kanchan’s leg is now disfigured and unrecognizable as a human limb. It is just a thin bone covered in flesh. There are no muscles or nerves left. Kanchan cannot feel sensation leading to constant and life-threatening infections on her foot. At this point a bacteria infection could spread into Kanchan’s blood and cause septic shock, a serious medical condition in the best of circumstances and Kanchan lives in a remote east India village. It is a critical situation for her.

It’s heart breaking to witness and difficult to look into her eyes when she talks about her condition. She said “I have lost hope that there is anything or anybody who can help me”.

The surgery, recovery and transportation to the hospital in Delhi from her remote village will cost 2,500 USD. Kanchan is from a very poor family and goes to school on scholarship. There is nobody in her life who can help her financially.

But we can do it! We can give her hope dear friends!

If you would like more information or photos of Kanchan, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Thank you from the depth of my heart for all your help!